Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Pondering this: control is the bloom if the root is fear... Control says I am afraid so I am taking charge and no longer giving you power. So it's key to get at the root of our fear and take note of our thoughts, our beliefs… "for the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace (Romans 8:6)" Until recently I only associated the concept of peace with my heart or with a feeling. But I struggle so often with racing thoughts and “figuring things out”. I am thankful for my ability to be analytical and problem-solve, but I can also get stuck in my head, or in “future thinking” and begin to feel an overwhelming fear that I am out of control and things might go awry. And I desire peace. Peace in my heart and peace in my mind. So the root for me is trust. Trusting God really does know best. Trusting He really does love me a lot. And to just breathe that in deep and painfully let go of the reins I cling so tightly to my hands have to bleed before I realize what I’m doing. I definitely need a renewing of my mind and thought life… because what is the point in living like this? It’s not even practical. I want life and life to the fullest. I want to live my days on this earth with a deep peace, regardless of my circumstances. So, I want to set my mind on the Spirit. It’s His beautiful promise: “I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid (John 14:27).”